Pricing plan details

Our app operates on a monthly subscription model, offering multiple plans based on the features you need.
This article explains the details of each pricing plan and how to choose the right one for you.



You can check the features available in each plan here. The main differences between plans are the number of widgets and available features.

Trial period

  • For development stores, you can use Premium plan features for a 7-day trial period after the initial installation.
  • For non-development stores, you can enjoy a 7-day trial by selecting the Starter plan after the initial installation.
  • Once you start a trial period, please note that it will end even if you cancel during the period.

How to choose a plan

Currently, there are three plans to choose from. Here’s a summary of features to help you decide:

Plan nameTarget users & plan features
StarterFor those who need just one option setting.

– Use one standard type widget
– Display widget on cart/product/checkout pages
– Detailed widget customization
– Detailed option product customization
StandardFor those who want to display different options per page and manage orders Recommended if you want to show different options on each page using display conditions or use modal-style widgets.

– Display up to 5 widgets with additional settings
– Automatic order tagging feature
– Add option information to order notes
PremiumOffers features equivalent to the Standard plan. For those who want to display more options or access new features

– Display up to 10 widgets with additional settings
– Priority access to new features
Key points for choosing a plan

Other important notes

  • Uninstalling the app or changing/canceling your plan will delete your widget settings. Please note that the
    sales chart will be reset and measurement data will be deleted.
  • Regarding plan changes, you can upgrade to a higher plan (e.g., Standard to Premium) from the plan screen. Downgrading
    to a lower plan cannot be done from the admin panel. Please contact us if you wish to downgrade.


We’ve explained the pricing plans in detail.
We continuously work on expanding features and improving support for these plans. We’ll notify you of any changes via
shop email. If you have any questions about the pricing plans, please don’t hesitate to contact us.